Understanding Anemia During Pregnancy
If you are expecting for the first time, you might experience bouts of tiredness or difficulty concentrating. However, extreme fatigue can actually be a sign that you are struggling with low iron levels because of your pregnancy. If you are light headed, always tired, and have a hard time focusing on specific tasks, you should talk to your care provider about the possibility that your could have pregnancy-induced iron-deficiency anemia.
The Truth About Welding With Contact Lenses In
Are you a welder? Do you have better vision with your contact lenses in but worry that wearing contacts while welding is a safety hazard? If so, read on to learn everything you need to know about welding with your contacts in. A Common Myth Debunked Every now and then a horror story about welding and contact lenses makes its way around the Internet. In it, a man is blinded for life when the high heat from his welding rod fuses his contacts to his corneas.
3 Types Of Dental Implants Explained
If you are looking for a permanent replacement for missing or severely damaged teeth, dental implants could be the perfect solution. However, most people outside the dental field are not familiar with the types of dental implants that are available and may have concerns about the procedure. Here is an explanation of three common types of dental implants. Endosteal Implants The standard type of dental implant is known as an endosteal implant.
5 Reasons To Choose A Physician Owned Hospital For Your Specialty Surgery
When you find out that surgery is the only option for dealing with an unusual health concern, your first instinct to get it done as quickly as possible is not always the best idea. Unless it's a life-threatening emergency, it's best to compare the qualities of local hospitals to find the place best suited to handle your procedure instead. Picking a hospital owned by licensed physicians will boost your chances of a good recovery with these five benefits.
Your Desk Job Is The Reason You're Getting Hurt At The Gym
If you're lifting weights at the gym to try and get stronger and leaner, you're on the right track. Resistance training is incredibly beneficial to the body, but it can also take a toll on your muscles and joints-- especially your feet, ankles, knees, and back. You might not think that these injuries come from your desk job, but you will be surprised to learn that the time you spend sitting at your desk has a huge impact on your performance at the gym Take the following steps to keep yourself on the path to better fitness, instead of becoming side tracked by an unexpected injury.