Early Intervention By Licensed Speech Therapists Can Correct Your Child's Speech Problems
Your toddler hugs you when it's time for your usual playtime and learning sessions. A perfect smile breaks out on her face in anticipation for this activity. That smile never leaves the child's face, but there is a problem that has you worried. You ask questions that your toddler should be quite capable of responding to. She flashes sweet smiles without saying a word, and this bothers you every day. She may just have a speech delay problem.
Not Ready To Deal With Post-Menopause? How To Alleviate The Symptoms
If you've gone through menopause, and you didn't experience many uncomfortable symptoms, you might think you're home free. Unfortunately, that's not necessarily true. In fact, many women develop the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause until they reach post-menopausal status. If you haven't developed menopausal symptoms, you may still be in line to encounter some of the more problematic ones, including hot flashes, and bone loss. Here are three steps you should take to help you avoid post-menopausal symptoms.
Facing A Whole-Body Case Of Poison Ivy? What Are Your Treatment Options?
Although you may associate outbreaks of poison ivy with the heat of summer, early spring and late fall can actually leave you more vulnerable to a blister-covered body: when poison ivy's telltale three leaves give way to a brown, dead-looking vine, it can be easy to inadvertently come into contact with it or even rip it down from tree trunks and telephone poles on your property. If you've found yourself with a full-body poison ivy breakout heading into fall, you may wonder what you can do to gain any reprieve.
How To Treat Floaters In Your Vision With A Vitrectomy
Your vision is one of the most important senses. It allows you to see the world and let's you know when danger is near. However,a floater is an eye disease that can make it hard to see clearly. Read on to find out how a eye disease treatment like vitrectomy can treat floaters to clear up your vision. What Are Floaters? The name floaters come from the moving shapes in your eye.
Three Frequent Ingrown Toenail Questions
Your toenails can be an easy part of your body to take for granted, but they can be subjected to intense stress. This can put the toenails at a fairly high risk of developing problems at some point during your life. Ingrown toenails are common issues that can be extremely painful and disruptive to experience. How Will You Know Whether Or Not You Have An Ingrown Toenail? When a person is suffering from an ingrown toenail, the toenail will start to grow at an incorrect angle.