Coping with Chronic Health Conditions: Tips

Coping with Chronic Health Conditions: Tips

  • Sexually-Transmitted Proctitis And Ulcerative Colitis: What You Need To Know

    Experts estimate that up to 1.3 million people in the United States suffer from inflammatory bowel diseases, which include Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Around 238 people in every 100,000 suffer with ulcerative colitis, which can also increase the risk of other health problems, including an inflammatory condition called proctitis. Find out how proctitis affects the body, and learn more about the link between this condition, sexual activity and ulcerative colitis.

  • Men Over 40: Drink Water And Drain Your Lymph Nodes To Slim Down Your Puffy Face

    If you're a male over 40 years old and suffer from a puffy face each morning, take steps to get rid of it now. As you age, your face loses some of its elasticity, tone and strength. Fluids can build up around your eyes, nose and mouth because of the loose skin, which makes your face look older than it actually is. You can diminish the puffiness in your face by drinking plenty of water and draining the lymph nodes in your face.

  • 'Tis The Season To Protect Your Skin

    When you think of protecting your skin during a holiday trip or vacation, you probably imagine applying sunscreen in the sweltering heat of summer -- but the winter holiday season poses its share of threats to your skin as well. Here are common seasonal issues you need to be aware of before you jump into all the winter fun. Cold-related Skin Damage Cold temperatures can do serious harm to your skin if you haven't taken appropriate protective measures.

  • 4 Things Lupus Sufferers Need To Know About Atherosclerosis

    Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease that can affect organs and tissues throughout your body, and your heart is no exception. One of the many cardiovascular problems that lupus can cause is atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a serious disease that is characterized by the buildup of plaque inside your arteries. Here are four things lupus sufferers need to know about atherosclerosis.  How does lupus cause atherosclerosis? Studies have shown that lupus increases your risk of having atherosclerosis by a whopping 140 percent.

  • Four Ways To Prevent Marital Fights About Money

    According to research conducted at Kansas State University, fights about money are the number one predictor of divorce. Studies have also shown that spousal arguments about money tend to be the longest and most intense, which is certainly not good news if you want to stay on good terms with your husband or wife. If you want to have a healthy and lasting relationship, it is clear that avoiding disagreements about finances is crucial.

About Me

Coping with Chronic Health Conditions: Tips

Ever since I was a young girl, I have had bad asthma and allergies. I had to stay in the hospital several times when I was in elementary school just to help get my asthma under control and it seemed like I was trying medication after medication with little success. I don't remember all of my childhood health details, since I was so young, but my mother has "filled in the blanks" for me. Thanks to modern medicine and a natural remedy, my health conditions are currently under control and have been for a few years now. I am very grateful for my good health, and I want to "pay it back" to others by creating a blog where I will post my health tips. I hope I can help you learn how to achieve good health!